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What's It All About? (week1)

Blog post #2

Hello reader. In this post, I wanted to discuss the many ideas that swarmed me when I began to think of what exactly my magazine would consist of.

I thought of everything from fitness magazines to fashion to photography. But unfortunately, I don't think that any of these topics keyed in on the message I wanted to relay.

So then I began to think of magazines I see every day. Here a few


What do they all seem to have in common? They are all edited pictures of thin women with "ideal figures" and "perfect" hair, make up, etc.

Personally, I believe that the distorted and unrealistic body standards that women, and even men, are held to in society are big contributers to depression and low self-esteem. Even I have spent countless hours in a gym trying to get the ideal model-figure and have spent hundreds of dollars on high brand make-up to try to fit these "standards."

So I thought... How cool would it be to have a magazine where the front cover was an unedited, untouched photograph of a girl? How cool would it be to have a magazine that focuses on learning to love your body the way it is rather than trying to "drop 10 pounds in a week?"

So that's what I am creating... "UnCut," a magazine that appreciates any body form, type, or ethnicity. I am creating a magazine that is not about being "skinny," or even "healthy" for that matter, but instead just happy with ourselves as a whole: mind and body. And how in the world do I plan on accomplishing this? By attempting to reconstruct the way society thinks, because there is no "perfect body," just each of our own bodies and minds.

I am still in the process of figuring out exactly what topic I want to discuss in my spread since there are many directions I can take this in. Updates coming soon :)

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